Welcome to the Gurubase API reference documentation. Our API enables you to programmatically manage AI-powered Q&A assistants (“Gurus”).

Gurus can only be created through the Gurubase platform interface. The API is used for managing and interacting with existing Gurus.

Base URL


If you’re using a self-hosted Gurubase, you must call its backend API URL. The default backend URL for a self-hosted Gurubase API is http://localhost:8029/api/v1/<guru_slug>.

The guru_slug is a unique identifier for your Guru that can be found in the URL when accessing your Guru through the Gurubase platform interface. For example, if your Guru is accessible at https://gurubase.io/g/anteon, then the guru_slug is anteon.

Rate Limiting

All API endpoints are subject to rate limiting:

  • 10 requests per minute per user
  • Returns 429 status code if exceeded
  • Contact [email protected] for increased limits

Response Codes

400Bad Request - Invalid input
401Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API key
429Too Many Requests - Rate limit exceeded
500Internal Server Error